Hey, as you settle into the club, there are a few rules in which you would should be following.
Be respectful, a little friendly banter is fine, but when it becomes a assault on another person, that is not allowed.
No advertisement, aside from telling people about your stream/youtube channel no advertising outside sites.
Explain your links, if you have a download link, or link to another site, explain what it does or where it leads, and miss leading info will get that link deleted.
If you wish to write a game review and have it stickied Apply to be a Ace hunter and get all your stuff published, and read by hundreds.(your account must be atleast 30 days old).
I should also state that if you are not a ace hunter and publish a news article or review it will not be in the reviews section. At that point in time, your fellow peers will then reply to your post and if enough people like it, the post shall be moved to the review section by a moderator.
New Sub forums Will be added if alot of topics between a certain game emerge.
Have fun! this is the last and most important rule of them all, have fun and make friends.